Shanghai World Expo 2010
( May 1 - October 31, 2010 )
One of the highlights of UNESCO Week at the Shanghai World Expo 2010 is the Shanghai International Forum on Lifelong Learning, scheduled to take place from 19-21 May, organized by UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) and its partners. The theme of the Forum is “Making learning a reality throughout life for all: Progress, trends and systems of lifelong learning.”
The Forum will be opened by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education of China and senior members of the Shanghai Municipal Government. Keynote speakers include Roberto Carneiro (Portugal), Hao Keming (China) and Rosa Maria Torres (Ecuador).
UIL ( UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning ) has been collaborating closely with its Chinese counterparts to invite some 200 high-level specialists – comprising 100 international and 100 Chinese experts – who are expected to participate in this Forum.
Shanghai World Expo 2010